I have been enjoying mentoring new translators for about a year now. I am doing this primarily via Proz, and have met a handful of smart and inquisitive people. They come from a number of countries such as the United States, the UK, Germany, Spain and Venezuela. What they all having, is the drive to learn more about the translation business. Since I have been around as a translator so long, I had somewhat forgotten by the struggles I had at the very beginning. It can be daunting, and whatever I went through at the turn-of-the-century is not necessarily what new translators are going through today.
I really like it when my mentees asking questions that stump me at first. Then I have to do a Google search and remember how those things were done when I was in their shoes. I also enjoy following their progress, seeing how my vice helps them, what needs to be tweaked in order to help them better. In fact, it is a great satisfaction when I learn that a mentee lands a project based on some of my advice (though I give them all the credit because they are the ones who did all the work).
Do you feel like you need some help breaking into translation market? Are you interested in learning more about the translation process itself? Maybe I can help you. Shoot me an email and I'll see what I can do.