(or anywhere else...)

Do you have one or two computers? Having two is a luxury if you can afford it because 1) you have a backup computer in case your primary one fails, and 2) you can allocate certain software to computer A and another set of applications to computer B (if you like). Nonetheless, I don't think you can mirror the contents of each machine so that they are identically equipped and synchronized. There is always going to be a document on one computer that is not updated or existent on the other. If you know otherwise, please let me know, and how this is achieved.
Since I have been a computer-enabled translator since the turn of the century, I have had success as well as failure with computers (PCs to be exact). In the past, I have loaded them up with software, and at times, my boxes have protested and even refused to run, albeit close calls only. Now, as an experiment, this is fine, but when it is your working computer, I would be a bit more cautious.
First, get to know your computer. If you have doubts about installing software or visiting certain websites, either refrain from doing so or google it and decide if it's a good idea. Next, decide what you are going to put on it. Are you only going to use translation-related applications or are you going to use Photoshop and other "heavy" programs? How many memory-resident applications do you need? In short, be nice to your computer and it will be nice to you.
Remember, some applications are even friendlier on smartphones and tablets.
This next point is extremely important: when you are working on a large or urgent project or both, don't do anything to or with your computer except translate. This means no installing or uninstalling software, no registry cleaning, and no updating, because you don't know the outcome of those updates and whether they will affect your translation files.
With this, you should be covered. Works for me.